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I'm Beauty


I'm Beauty!!



Hey Ya’ll! I am Beauty and yes before you ask that is my real name, lol. I am a mommy of two (Brooklyn and Royce), a God worshiper, sister, daughter, friend, fitness enthusiast and life liver! I am a city girl, born and raised in Chicago, Ill but currently reside in Waterloo, Ia. I am an advocate for inspiring and motivating women and believe that’s the reason God put me on this earth.


I have always been very active. I began dancing at a very young age and was on several dance teams in and out of school. It wasn’t until I got older and really started to understand fitness, the body and our overall health, that I developed a passion for it. I became pregnant with my daughter (Brooklyn) and with that I gained a few pounds ( I was a little fluffy y’all) I didn’t like what I saw but most of all I didn’t like how I felt. I started one day going to the gym and then went back a couple of more times and BOOM it became a habit. I then started teaching Hip Hop fitness classes, to mix my passion for dancing and fitness and people started to follow me and that’s when I developed BeaFitt (Beauty Fitts Inside and Out). I wanted to help women feel beautiful, not just externally, but internally as well. Now, it has become my life.


On the flip side of my brand, I developed "Bea Real, not perfect." I started this brand with the hope of again pushing people to be authentic, owning the good and bad parts of ourselves and being who God has called you to be, headed over to the shop page and check it out.






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